Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish a variety of goals for clients. Nurturing Notes Music Therapy creates music therapy treatments that are individualized and custom tailored to the unique needs of each client, within the frame work of a therapeutic relationship with the music therapist. Music therapy treatment may include singing and creating music, moving and listening to music, and playing instruments. Through musical interventions and experiences, clients’ abilities are strengthened and are transferred to other areas of their lives. For seniors

“Music therapy treatment is efficacious and valid with older persons who have functional deficits
in physical, psychological, cognitive or social functioning. Research results and clinical experiences
attest to the viability of music therapy even in those who are resistive to other treatment approaches.
Music is a form of sensory stimulation, which provokes responses due to the familiarity, predictability,
and feelings of security associated with it.”

(American Music Therapy Association)

At Nurturing Notes Music Therapy, we understand that every individual is unique in their own right, with their own strengths and needs. We also understand that music therapy that everyone responds differently to music therapy. Understanding these possibilities, Nurturing Notes provides a FREE  30-minute music therapy introductory session for individuals interested in music therapy. Contact us today to schedule your screening.